Legal notices & informations

BRACH HOTEL MADRID, S.L., the company responsible for this website and hereafter referred to as the DATA CONTROLLER, publishes this document to comply with the obligations stipulated under Law 34/2002, of 11 July, concerning Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), as stated in the Official Gazette of the State [BOE] No. 166 and to inform all website users about the terms of use.

Any individual accessing this website assumes the role of user, committing to observe and comply with the provisions herein and any other applicable legal regulations.

BRACH HOTEL MADRID, S.L. reserves the right to change any information appearing on the website, with no obligation to give prior notice or inform users of its obligations. The publication on BRACH HOTEL MADRID, S.L.’s website is understood to be sufficient.


Domain name:

Trade name: Brach Madrid

Company name: BRACH HOTEL MADRID, S.L.

Tax ID Number (NIF): B67341891

Registered office: Gran Vía, 20

Telephone number: +34 620 809 562


Brach Madrid Hotel, S.L. V 39640, P 118, S 8, S M 703742, E 11 (14.06.23).


This website, including but not limited to its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, as well as designs, logos, text and/or graphics, belong to the DATA CONTROLLER or, where appropriate, is used under licence or with express authorisation from the authors. The content on the website is duly protected by intellectual and industrial property regulations and registered in the relevant public registers.

Regardless of the intended use, any reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and commercialisation, in whole or in part, requires the prior written consent of the DATA CONTROLLER in every instance. Any unauthorised use will be considered a serious breach of the author’s intellectual or industrial property rights.

The designs, logos, text and/or graphics that do not belong to the DATA CONTROLLER and appear on the website belong to their respective owners, who may bear responsibility for any disputes that could arise regarding them. The DATA CONTROLLER expressly permits third parties to directly link to specific content on the website and, where applicable, to the website’s homepage (

The DATA CONTROLLER acknowledges the respective intellectual and industrial property rights of their owners. The mere mention or appearance of such content on the website does not confer any rights or liabilities upon them, nor does it constitute any endorsement, sponsorship or recommendation thereof.

Should you wish to report a breach of intellectual or industrial property rights or have any comments regarding the contents of the website, please send an email to


The DATA CONTROLLER disclaims all liability derived from the information published on its website, provided there is no actual knowledge of such information being tampered with or introduced by an external third party, or if there is, the DATA CONTROLLER has acted diligently to remove or block access to the data.

Use of Cookies

This website may use technical cookies—small information files that the server sends to the computer of the person accessing the page—to facilitate certain functions deemed essential for the proper operation and display of the site. The cookies employed are temporary, aimed solely at enhancing browsing efficiency, and expire at the conclusion of the user’s session. At no point will these cookies themselves collect personal data, nor will they be employed for the gathering of such information.

The use of cookies also enables the server hosting the website to recognise the user’s browser, thereby simplifying the browsing experience. For instance, it allows users who have previously registered to access areas, services, promotions, or competitions exclusively reserved for them without needing to register for each visit. Cookies may also be used to gauge audience size and traffic parameters and monitor progress and number of entries, among other metrics. In such instances, while technically non-essential, these cookies provide benefits to the user. This website will not install non-essential cookies without the user’s prior consent.

Users have the option to configure their browser settings to receive notifications upon the receipt of cookies and to prevent their installation on their device. Please refer to your browser instructions for more information.

Link Policy

Users may be redirected to third-party websites through links available on this website. The DATA CONTROLLER cannot constantly oversee the content posted by third parties on their websites and hence assumes no responsibility for such content. In any case, it will promptly remove any content and links to content that may violate national or international laws, ethics, or public order, notifying the relevant authorities of the questionable content.

The DATA CONTROLLER disclaims responsibility for information and stored content on forums, chats, blog generators, comments, social media, or any other means allowing third parties to publish content independently on the DATA CONTROLLER’s website. However, in adherence to Articles 11 and 16 of the LSSICE, the DATA CONTROLLER commits to assisting users, authorities and security forces in removing or blocking content that might infringe upon national or international laws, third-party rights or standards of morality and public order. Should a user find any content on the website potentially falling under these categories, they are urged to contact the website administration immediately.

This website has been checked and tested to ensure that it functions correctly. In principle, proper operation can be guaranteed 365 days a year, 24 hours a day. Nevertheless, the DATA CONTROLLER acknowledges the possibility of programming errors or events beyond our control, such as natural disasters, strikes or similar incidents that could hinder website access.

IP Addresses

The servers hosting this website may automatically detect the user’s IP address and domain name. An IP address is a number automatically assigned to a computer when it connects to the Internet. This data is logged in a server activity file, enabling subsequent analysis to generate statistical metrics. These metrics include the total number of page views, the number of visits to web servers, the sequence of those visits, points of access and other related statistics.


For the resolution of disputes or queries related to this website or the activities conducted on it, Spanish law shall be applicable, to which the parties explicitly agree to submit. The Courts and Tribunals in the user’s place of residence or the location where the obligation is fulfilled shall have jurisdiction to resolve any disputes arising from or related to its use.